Bond of Friendship Lodge No 48

Bond of Friendship

bondLadies from Carlisle joined Annie Laity Lodge No 42 in Morecambe and travelled most of the time in a transit van with bench seats tied in place. They had lots of fun, but because of the amount of members traveling almost weekly, they decided the best way forward was to open their own Lodge in Carlisle.

In 1992 they received permission to open and the Lodge was consecrated on 23rd September 1992 and named the Bond of Friendship No 42

They started by using Low Hesketh village hall near Carlisle then in 1996 they moved to the Central Hotel in Carlisle – which was not the best location due to noise issues, so they then moved on to the west end temperance hall – where they were very happy, but it became too expensive.

Finally they settled in new premises by using the men’s lodge at Gretna on a Wednesday Evening – and have many a happy meeting there.

Throughout their travels – they have remained a strong Bond and held many friendships … Hence the name.

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The Three Great Principles on which Freemasonry is founded

For centuries Freemasons have followed these three great Principles:

Brotherly Love

Means that every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and will behave with compassion and understanding to his fellows.


From earliest times Freemasons have been taught to help, to the best of their ability, those in distress. without detriment to any who are dependent upon them, and to give their support to outside Charities.


Freemasons strive for truth both in their view of themselves and in their dealings with others. Masonry requires high moral standards and its members endeavour to uphold these principles in their public and private lives.